You’re sitting in a job interview, discussing your work experience, and you’re feeling pretty good about it. That is, until they ask, “How would you describe yourself?”
It can cause you to freeze, your mind goes blank – what answer are they looking for? You might even start questioning whether you have any skills to bring to the job. But of course you do! And this is where being prepared can make a difference.
When addressing the question “How would you describe yourself?” – it’s the perfect time to tell them why you’d be a great fit for the role. This article will help you explore what this question really means and what to describe about yourself.
When you’re asked how to describe yourself in an interview
Take the professional work-related aspect out of the equation for a minute: how would you describe your personality? This forms a good basis for where you can go with this question, and explore more areas of your personality that may be suitable in an interview, even if a little ‘outside the box’.
So, looping back to the formality of the question, to answer it properly you’ll need to understand the why behind it. When interviewers ask you to briefly describe yourself, they want to know:
- How you perceive yourself and if you’re self aware
- What you consider your best quality for that particular job
Your answer can be very telling: Can you think on your feet? Are you able to communicate confidently and clearly while under pressure? Was your answer reflective and honest?
Understanding the reason for the question means you can better tackle the answer – this helps alleviate stress, help you think more clearly and create that solid impression you were going for!
Different ways the interviewer can ask you to briefly describe yourself
Your interviewer may ask for a description about yourself in one of many ways. They may even ask you the same question in a different way in the same sitting, especially if they feel you didn’t answer the question directly the first time.
Some other ways interviewers may ask how you describe yourself include:
- Can you tell me a little about yourself?
- How do you see yourself fitting in with our team?
- What would you say are your strongest personal qualities?
- How would you describe your work style?
- Can you walk me through your experience and background?
- What are some of your biggest strengths?
- How do you approach problem-solving?
- Can you give me an example of a time when you demonstrated leadership?
- How do you handle challenges or difficult situations?
- How do you think your past experiences have prepared you for this role?